jan ka-o parabh apnay kaa taan
DnwsrI mhlw 5 (677-9)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5 Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
Gir bwhir qyrw Brvwsw qU jn kY hY sMig ] kir ikrpw pRIqm pRB Apuny nwmu jpau hir rMig ]1] Bestow Your Mercy, O my Beloved God, that I may chant the Lord's Name with love. ||1|| jn kau pRB Apny kw qwxu ] God is the strength of His humble servants. jo qU krih krwvih suAwmI sw msliq prvwxu ] rhwau ] Whatever You do, or cause to be done, O Lord and Master, that outcome is acceptable to me. ||Pause|| piq prmysru giq nwrwiexu Dnu gupwl gux swKI ] The Transcendent Lord is my honor; the Lord is my emancipation; the glorious sermon of the Lord is my wealth. crn srn nwnk dws hir hir sMqI ieh ibiD jwqI ]2]1]25] Slave Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord's feet; from the Saints, he has learned this way of life. ||2||1||25|| |