ghan garjat gobind roop
mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1272-17)malaar mehlaa 5. Malaar, Fifth Mehl: |
Gnu grjq goibMd rUp ] gun gwvq suK cYn ]1] rhwau ] Singing His Glorious Praises brings peace and bliss. ||1||Pause|| hir crn srn qrn swgr Duin Anhqw rs bYn ]1] The Sanctuary of the Lord's Feet carries us across the world-ocean. His Sublime Word is the unstruck celestial melody. ||1|| piQk ipAws icq srovr Awqm jlu lYn ] The thirsty traveller's consciousness obtains the water of the soul from the pool of nectar. hir drs pRym jn nwnk kir ikrpw pRB dYn ]2]7]29] Servant Nanak loves the Blessed Vision of the Lord; in His Mercy, God has blessed him with it. ||2||7||29|| |