ghat avghat doogar ghanaa ik nirgun bail hamaar
gauVI bYrwgix rivdws jIau ] (345-17)ga-orhee bairaagan ravidaas jee-o. Gauree Bairaagan, Ravi Daas Jee: |
Gt AvGt fUgr Gxw ieku inrguxu bYlu hmwr ] rmeIey isau iek bynqI myrI pUMjI rwKu murwir ]1] I offer this one prayer to the Lord, to preserve my capital. ||1|| ko bnjwro rwm ko myrw tWfw lwidAw jwie ry ]1] rhwau ] Is there any merchant of the Lord to join me? My cargo is loaded, and now I am leaving. ||1||Pause|| hau bnjwro rwm ko shj krau b�wpwru ] I am the merchant of the Lord; I deal in spiritual wisdom. mY rwm nwm Dnu lwidAw ibKu lwdI sMswir ]2] I have loaded the Wealth of the Lord's Name; the world has loaded poison. ||2|| aurvwr pwr ky dwnIAw iliK lyhu Awl pqwlu ] O you who know this world and the world beyond: write whatever nonsense you please about me. moih jm fMfu n lwgeI qjIly srb jMjwl ]3] The club of the Messenger of Death shall not strike me, since I have cast off all entanglements. ||3|| jYsw rMgu ksuMB kw qYsw iehu sMswru ] Love of this world is like the pale, temporary color of the safflower. myry rmeIey rMgu mjIT kw khu rivdws cmwr ]4]1] The color of my Lord's Love, however, is permanent, like the dye of the madder plant. So says Ravi Daas, the tanner. ||4||1|| |