gobid jee-o too mayray paraan aDhaar
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1226-10)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
goibd jIau qU myry pRwn ADwr ] swjn mIq shweI qum hI qU myro prvwr ]1] rhwau ] You are my Best Friend and Companion, my Help and Support; You are my family. ||1||Pause|| kru msqik DwirE myrY mwQY swDsMig gux gwey ] You placed Your Hand on my forehead; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I sing Your Glorious Praises. qumrI ik®pw qy sB Pl pwey rsik rwm nwm iDAwey ]1] By Your Grace, I have obtained all fruits and rewards; I meditate on the Lord's Name with delight. ||1|| Aibcl nIv DrweI siqguir kbhU folq nwhI ] The True Guru has laid the eternal foundation; it shall never be shaken. gur nwnk jb Bey dieAwrw srb suKw iniD pWhI ]2]92]115] Guru Nanak has become merciful to me, and I have been blessed with the treasure of absolute peace. ||2||92||115|| |