gobind gobind gobind ma-ee
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (822-7)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
goibMd goibMd goibMd meI ] jb qy Byty swD dieAwrw qb qy durmiq dUir BeI ]1] rhwau ] Since I met the compassionate, Holy Saints, my evil-mindedness has been driven far away. ||1||Pause|| pUrn pUir rihE sMpUrn sIql sWiq dieAwl deI ] The Perfect Lord is perfectly pervading everywhere. He is cool and calm, peaceful and compassionate. kwm k®oD iqRsnw AhMkwrw qn qy hoey sgl KeI ]1] Sexual desire, anger and egotistical desires have all been eliminated from my body. ||1|| squ sMqoKu dieAw Drmu suic sMqn qy iehu mMqu leI ] Truth, contentment, compassion, Dharmic faith and purity - I have received these from the Teachings of the Saints. khu nwnk ijin mnhu pCwinAw iqn kau sglI soJ peI ]2]4]90] Says Nanak, one who realizes this in his mind, achieves total understanding. ||2||4||90|| |