gurh kar gi-aan Dhi-aan kar Dhaavai kar karnee kas paa-ee-ai
Awsw mhlw 1 ] (360-5)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: |
guVu kir igAwnu iDAwnu kir DwvY kir krxI ksu pweIAY ] BwTI Bvnu pRym kw pocw iequ ris Aimau cuAweIAY ]1] Let devotional faith be the distilling fire, and your love the ceramic cup. Thus the sweet nectar of life is distilled. ||1|| bwbw mnu mqvwro nwm rsu pIvY shj rMg ric rihAw ] O Baba, the mind is intoxicated with the Naam, drinking in its Nectar. It remains absorbed in the Lord's Love. Aihinis bnI pRym ilv lwgI sbdu Anwhd gihAw ]1] rhwau ] Night and day, remaining attached to the Love of the Lord, the celestial music of the Shabad resounds. ||1||Pause|| pUrw swcu ipAwlw shjy iqsih pIAwey jw kau ndir kry ] The Perfect Lord naturally gives the cup of Truth, to the one upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace. AMimRq kw vwpwrI hovY ikAw mid CUCY Bwau Dry ]2] One who trades in this Nectar - how could he ever love the wine of the world? ||2|| gur kI swKI AMimRq bwxI pIvq hI prvwxu BieAw ] The Teachings of the Guru, the Ambrosial Bani - drinking them in, one becomes acceptable and renowned. dr drsn kw pRIqmu hovY mukiq bYkuMTY krY ikAw ]3] Unto the one who loves the Lord's Court, and the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, of what use is liberation or paradise? ||3|| isPqI rqw sd bYrwgI jUAY jnmu n hwrY ] Imbued with the Lord's Praises, one is forever a Bairaagee, a renunciate, and one's life is not lost in the gamble. khu nwnk suix BrQir jogI KIvw AMimRq DwrY ]4]4]38] Says Nanak, listen, O Bharthari Yogi: drink in the intoxicating nectar of the Lord. ||4||4||38|| |