man mayray har jee-o sadaa samaal

soriT mhlw 3 ] (601-10)
sorath mehlaa 3.
Sorat'h, Third Mehl:

gurmuiK Bgiq krih pRB Bwvih Anidnu nwmu vKwxy ]
gurmukh bhagat karahi parabh bhaaveh an-din naam vakhaanay.
The Gurmukhs practice devotional worship, and become pleasing to God; night and day, they chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Bgqw kI swr krih Awip rwKih jo qyrY min Bwxy ]
bhagtaa kee saar karahi aap raakhahi jo tayrai man bhaanay.
You Yourself protect and take care of Your devotees, who are pleasing to Your Mind.

qU guxdwqw sbid pCwqw gux kih guxI smwxy ]1]
too gundaataa sabad pachhaataa gun kahi gunee samaanay. ||1||
You are the Giver of virtue, realized through the Word of Your Shabad. Uttering Your Glories, we merge with You, O Glorious Lord. ||1||

mn myry hir jIau sdw smwil ]
man mayray har jee-o sadaa samaal.
O my mind, remember always the Dear Lord.

AMq kwil qyrw bylI hovY sdw inbhY qyrY nwil ] rhwau ]
ant kaal tayraa baylee hovai sadaa nibhai tayrai naal. rahaa-o.
At the very last moment, He alone shall be your best friend; He shall always stand by you. ||Pause||

dust caukVI sdw kUVu kmwvih nw bUJih vIcwry ]
dusat cha-ukarhee sadaa koorh kamaaveh naa boojheh veechaaray.
The gathering of the wicked enemies shall always practice falsehood; they do not contemplate understanding.

inMdw dustI qy ikin Plu pwieAw hrxwKs nKih ibdwry ]
nindaa dustee tay kin fal paa-i-aa harnaakhas nakheh bidaaray.
Who can obtain fruit from the slander of evil enemies? Remember that Harnaakhash was torn apart by the Lord's claws.

pRihlwdu jnu sd hir gux gwvY hir jIau ley aubwry ]2]
par-hilaad jan sad har gun gaavai har jee-o la-ay ubaaray. ||2||
Prahlaad, the Lord's humble servant, constantly sang the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and the Dear Lord saved him. ||2||

Awps kau bhu Blw kir jwxih mnmuiK miq n kweI ]
aapas ka-o baho bhalaa kar jaaneh manmukh mat na kaa-ee.
The self-willed manmukhs see themselves as being very virtuous; they have absolutely no understanding at all.

swDU jn kI inMdw ivAwpy jwsin jnmu gvweI ]
saaDhoo jan kee nindaa vi-aapay jaasan janam gavaa-ee.
They indulge in slander of the humble spiritual people; they waste their lives away, and then they have to depart.

rwm nwmu kdy cyqih nwhI AMiq gey pCuqweI ]3]
raam naam kaday cheeteh naahee ant ga-ay pachhutaa-ee. ||3||
They never think of the Lord's Name, and in the end, they depart, regretting and repenting. ||3||

sPlu jnmu Bgqw kw kIqw gur syvw Awip lwey ]
safal janam bhagtaa kaa keetaa gur sayvaa aap laa-ay.
The Lord makes the lives of His devotees fruitful; He Himself links them to the Guru's service.

sbdy rwqy shjy mwqy Anidnu hir gux gwey ]
sabday raatay sehjay maatay an-din har gun gaa-ay.
Imbued with the Word of the Shabad, and intoxicated with celestial bliss, night and day, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

nwnk dwsu khY byn�qI hau lwgw iqn kY pwey ]4]5]
naanak daas kahai baynantee ha-o laagaa tin kai paa-ay. ||4||5||
Slave Nanak utters this prayer: O Lord, please, let me fall at their feet. ||4||5||