eeteh ooteh ghat ghat ghat ghat tooNhee tooNhee mohinaa
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (407-2)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
gurih idKwieE loienw ]1] rhwau ] eIqih aUqih Git Git Git Git qUMhI qUMhI moihnw ]1] Here and there, in each and every heart, and each and every being, You, O Fascinating Lord, You exist. ||1|| kwrn krnw Dwrn Drnw eykY eykY soihnw ]2] You are the Creator, the Cause of causes, the Support of the earth; You are the One and only, Beauteous Lord. ||2|| sMqn prsn bilhwrI drsn nwnk suiK suiK soienw ]3]4]144] Meeting the Saints, and beholding the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, Nanak is a sacrifice to them; he sleeps in absolute peace. ||3||4||144|| |