gur bin avar naahee mai thaa-o
goNf mhlw 5 ] (864-14)gond mehlaa 5. Gond, Fifth Mehl: |
guru myrI pUjw guru goibMdu ] guru myrw pwrbRhmu guru BgvMqu ] My Guru is the Supreme Lord God; the Guru is the Lord God. guru myrw dyau AlK AByau ] My Guru is divine, invisible and mysterious. srb pUj crn gur syau ]1] I serve at the Guru's feet, which are worshipped by all. ||1|| gur ibnu Avru nwhI mY Qwau ] Without the Guru, I have no other place at all. Anidnu jpau gurU gur nwau ]1] rhwau ] Night and day, I chant the Name of Guru, Guru. ||1||Pause|| guru myrw igAwnu guru irdY iDAwnu ] The Guru is my spiritual wisdom, the Guru is the meditation within my heart. guru gopwlu purKu Bgvwnu ] The Guru is the Lord of the World, the Primal Being, the Lord God. gur kI srix rhau kr joir ] With my palms pressed together, I remain in the Guru's Sanctuary. gurU ibnw mY nwhI horu ]2] Without the Guru, I have no other at all. ||2|| guru boihQu qwry Bv pwir ] The Guru is the boat to cross over the terrifying world-ocean. gur syvw jm qy Cutkwir ] Serving the Guru, one is released from the Messenger of Death. AMDkwr mih gur mMqRü aujwrw ] In the darkness, the Guru's Mantra shines forth. gur kY sMig sgl insqwrw ]3] With the Guru, all are saved. ||3|| guru pUrw pweIAY vfBwgI ] The Perfect Guru is found, by great good fortune. gur kI syvw dUKu n lwgI ] Serving the Guru, pain does not afflict anyone. gur kw sbdu n mytY koie ] No one can erase the Word of the Guru's Shabad. guru nwnku nwnku hir soie ]4]7]9] Nanak is the Guru; Nanak is the Lord Himself. ||4||7||9|| |