gur pooraa mayraa gur pooraa
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (901-4)raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: |
guru pUrw myrw guru pUrw ] rwm nwmu jip sdw suhyly sgl ibnwsy rog kUrw ]1] rhwau ] Chanting the Lord's Name, I am always at peace; all my illness and fraud is dispelled. ||1||Pause|| eyku ArwDhu swcw soie ] Worship and adore that One Lord alone. jw kI srin sdw suKu hoie ]1] In His Sanctuary, eternal peace is obtained. ||1|| nId suhylI nwm kI lwgI BUK ] One who feels hunger for the Naam sleeps in peace. hir ismrq ibnsy sB dUK ]2] Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, all pains are dispelled. ||2|| shij An�d krhu myry BweI ] Enjoy celestial bliss, O my Siblings of Destiny. guir pUrY sB icMq imtweI ]3] The Perfect Guru has eradicated all anxiety. ||3|| AwT phr pRB kw jpu jwip ] Twenty-four hours a day, chant God's Chant. nwnk rwKw hoAw Awip ]4]2]58] O Nanak, He Himself shall save you. ||4||2||58|| |