gur sayva-o kar namaskaar
bsMqu mhlw 5 Gru 1 duquky (1180-2)basant mehlaa 5 ghar 1 dutukay Basant, Fifth Mehl, First House, Du-Tukay: |
guru syvau kir nmskwr ] Awju hmwrY mMglcwr ] Today is a day of celebration for me. Awju hmwrY mhw An�d ] Today I am in supreme bliss. icMq lQI Byty goibMd ]1] My anxiety is dispelled, and I have met the Lord of the Universe. ||1|| Awju hmwrY igRih bsMq ] Today, it is springtime in my household. gun gwey pRB qum@ byAMq ]1] rhwau ] I sing Your Glorious Praises, O Infinite Lord God. ||1||Pause|| Awju hmwrY bny Pwg ] Today, I am celebrating the festival of Phalgun. pRB sMgI imil Kyln lwg ] Joining with God's companions, I have begun to play. holI kInI sMq syv ] I celebrate the festival of Holi by serving the Saints. rMgu lwgw Aiq lwl dyv ]2] I am imbued with the deep crimson color of the Lord's Divine Love. ||2|| mnu qnu mauilE Aiq AnUp ] My mind and body have blossomed forth, in utter, incomparable beauty. sUkY nwhI Cwv DUp ] They do not dry out in either sunshine or shade; sglI rUqI hirAw hoie ] they flourish in all seasons. sd bsMq gur imly dyv ]3] It is always springtime, when I meet with the Divine Guru. ||3|| ibrKu jimE hY pwrjwq ] The wish-fulfilling Elysian Tree has sprouted and grown. PUl lgy Pl rqn BWiq ] It bears flowers and fruits, jewels of all sorts. iqRpiq AGwny hir guxh gwie ] I am satisfied and fulfilled, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. jn nwnk hir hir hir iDAwie ]4]1] Servant Nanak meditates on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||4||1|| |