gur poorai charnee laa-i-aa
soriT mhlw 5 ] (623-14)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
guir pUrY crnI lwieAw ] hir sMig shweI pwieAw ] I have obtained the Lord as my companion, my support, my best friend. jh jweIAY qhw suhyly ] Wherever I go, I am happy there. kir ikrpw pRiB myly ]1] By His Kind Mercy, God united me with Himself. ||1|| hir gux gwvhu sdw suBweI ] So sing forever the Glorious Praises of the Lord with loving devotion. mn icMdy sgly Pl pwvhu jIA kY sMig shweI ]1] rhwau ] You shall obtain all the fruits of your mind's desires, and the Lord shall become the companion and the support of your soul. ||1||Pause|| nwrwiex pRwx ADwrw ] The Lord is the support of the breath of life. hm sMq jnW rynwrw ] I am the dust of the feet of the Holy people. piqq punIq kir lIny ] I am a sinner, but the Lord made me pure. kir ikrpw hir jsu dIny ]2] By His Kind Mercy, the Lord blessed me with His Praises. ||2|| pwrbRhmu kry pRiqpwlw ] The Supreme Lord God cherishes and nurtures me. sd jIA sMig rKvwlw ] He is always with me, the Protector of my soul. hir idnu rYin kIrqnu gweIAY ] Singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises day and night, bhuiV n jonI pweIAY ]3] I shall not be consigned to reincarnation again. ||3|| ijsu dyvY purKu ibDwqw ] One who is blessed by the Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, hir rsu iqn hI jwqw ] realizes the subtle essence of the Lord. jmkMkru nyiV n AwieAw ] The Messenger of Death does not come near him. suKu nwnk srxI pwieAw ]4]9]59] In the Lord's Sanctuary, Nanak has found peace. ||4||9||59|| |