gur bachnee man sahj Dhi-aanay

iblwvlu mhlw 1 ] (796-5)
bilaaval mehlaa 1.
Bilaaval, First Mehl:

gur bcnI mnu shj iDAwny ]
gur bachnee man sahj Dhi-aanay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, the mind intuitively meditates on the Lord.

hir kY rMig rqw mnu mwny ]
har kai rang rataa man maanay.
Imbued with the Lord's Love, the mind is satisfied.

mnmuK Brim Buly baurwny ]
manmukh bharam bhulay ba-uraanay.
The insane, self-willed manmukhs wander around, deluded by doubt.

hir ibnu ikau rhIAY gur sbid pCwny ]1]
har bin ki-o rahee-ai gur sabad pachhaanay. ||1||
Without the Lord, how can anyone survive? Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is realized. ||1||

ibnu drsn kYsy jIvau myrI mweI ]
bin darsan kaisay jeeva-o mayree maa-ee.
Without the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, how can I live, O my mother?

hir ibnu jIArw rih n skY iKnu siqguir bUJ buJweI ]1] rhwau ]
har bin jee-araa reh na sakai khin satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Lord, my soul cannot survive, even for an instant; the True Guru has helped me understand this. ||1||Pause||

myrw pRBu ibsrY hau mrau duKwlI ]
mayraa parabh bisrai ha-o mara-o dukhaalee.
Forgetting my God, I die in pain.

swis igrwis jpau Apuny hir BwlI ]
saas giraas japa-o apunay har bhaalee.
With each breath and morsel of food, I meditate on my Lord, and seek Him.

sd bYrwgin hir nwmu inhwlI ]
sad bairaagan har naam nihaalee.
I remain always detached, but I am enraptured with the Lord's Name.

Ab jwny gurmuiK hir nwlI ]2]
ab jaanay gurmukh har naalee. ||2||
Now, as Gurmukh, I know that the Lord is always with me. ||2||

AkQ kQw khIAY gur Bwie ]
akath kathaa kahee-ai gur bhaa-ay.
The Unspoken Speech is spoken, by the Will of the Guru.

pRBu Agm Agocru dyie idKwie ]
parabh agam agochar day-ay dikhaa-ay.
He shows us that God is unapproachable and unfathomable.

ibnu gur krxI ikAw kwr kmwie ]
bin gur karnee ki-aa kaar kamaa-ay.
Without the Guru, what lifestyle could we practice, and what work could we do?

haumY myit clY gur sbid smwie ]3]
ha-umai mayt chalai gur sabad samaa-ay. ||3||
Eradicating egotism, and walking in harmony with the Guru's Will, I am absorbed in the Word of the Shabad. ||3||

mnmuKu ivCuVY KotI rwis ]
manmukh vichhurhai khotee raas.
The self-willed manmukhs are separated from the Lord, gathering false wealth.

gurmuiK nwim imlY swbwis ]
gurmukh naam milai saabaas.
The Gurmukhs are celebrated with the glory of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

hir ikrpw DwrI dwsin dws ]
har kirpaa Dhaaree daasan daas.
The Lord has showered His Mercy upon me, and made me the slave of His slaves.

jn nwnk hir nwm Dnu rwis ]4]4]
jan naanak har naam Dhan raas. ||4||4||
The Name of the Lord is the wealth and capital of servant Nanak. ||4||4||