gur gur japee guroo gur Dhi-aa-ee
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (396-8)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
gur pUry rwiKAw dy hwQ ] pRgtu BieAw jn kw prqwpu ]1] The glory of His servant has become manifest. ||1|| guru guru jpI gurU guru iDAweI ] I contemplate the Guru, the Guru; I meditate on the Guru, the Guru. jIA kI Ardwis gurU pih pweI ] rhwau ] I offer my heart-felt prayer to the Guru, and it is answered. ||Pause|| srin pry swcy gurdyv ] I have taken to the Sanctuary of the True Divine Guru. pUrn hoeI syvk syv ]2] The service of His servant has been fulfilled. ||2|| jIau ipMfu jobnu rwKY pRwn ] He has preserved my soul, body, youth and breath of life. khu nwnk gur kau kurbwn ]3]8]102] Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Guru. ||3||8||102|| |