gur parsaadee vidi-aa veechaarai parh parh paavai maan
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1329-5)parbhaatee mehlaa 1. Prabhaatee, First Mehl: |
gur prswdI ividAw vIcwrY piV piV pwvY mwnu ] Awpw mDy Awpu prgwisAw pwieAw AMimRqu nwmu ]1] Within the self, the self is revealed, when one is blessed with the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1|| krqw qU myrw jjmwnu ] O Creator Lord, You alone are my Benefactor. iek diKxw hau qY pih mwgau dyih Awpxw nwmu ]1] rhwau ] I beg for only one blessing from You: please bless me with Your Name. ||1||Pause|| pMc qskr Dwvq rwKy cUkw min AiBmwnu ] The five wandering thieves are captured and held, and the egotistical pride of the mind is subdued. idsit ibkwrI durmiq BwgI AYsw bRhm igAwnu ]2] Visions of corruption, vice and evil-mindedness run away. Such is the spiritual wisdom of God. ||2|| jqu squ cwvl dieAw kxk kir pRwpiq pwqI Dwnu ] Please bless me with the rice of truth and self-restraint, the wheat of compassion, and the leaf-plate of meditation. dUDu krmu sMqoKu GIau kir AYsw mWgau dwnu ]3] Bless me with the milk of good karma, and the clarified butter, the ghee, of compassion. Such are the gifts I beg of You, Lord. ||3|| iKmw DIrju kir gaU lvyrI shjy bCrw KIru pIAY ] Let forgiveness and patience be my milk-cows, and let the calf of my mind intuitively drink in this milk. isPiq srm kw kpVw mWgau hir gux nwnk rvqu rhY ]4]7] I beg for the clothes of modesty and the Lord's Praise; Nanak chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||7|| |