gur parsaadee boojh lay ta-o ho-ay nibayraa
gauVI mhlw 1 ] (229-1)ga-orhee mehlaa 1. Gauree, First Mehl: |
gur prswdI bUiJ ly qau hoie inbyrw ] Gir Gir nwmu inrMjnw so Twkuru myrw ]1] In each and every heart is the Name of the Immaculate Lord; He is my Lord and Master. ||1|| ibnu gur sbd n CUtIAY dyKhu vIcwrw ] Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, no one is emancipated. See this, and reflect upon it. jy lK krm kmwvhI ibnu gur AMiDAwrw ]1] rhwau ] Even though you may perform hundreds of thousands of rituals, without the Guru, there is only darkness. ||1||Pause|| AMDy AklI bwhry ikAw iqn isau khIAY ] What can you say, to one who is blind and without wisdom? ibnu gur pMQu n sUJeI ikqu ibiD inrbhIAY ]2] Without the Guru, the Path cannot be seen. How can anyone proceed? ||2|| Koty kau Krw khY Kry swr n jwxY ] He calls the counterfeit genuine, and does not know the value of the genuine. AMDy kw nwau pwrKU klI kwl ivfwxY ]3] The blind man is known as an appraiser; this Dark Age of Kali Yuga is so strange! ||3|| sUqy kau jwgqu khY jwgq kau sUqw ] The sleeper is said to be awake, and those who are awake are like sleepers. jIvq kau mUAw khY mUey nhI roqw ]4] The living are said to be dead, and no one mourns for those who have died. ||4|| Awvq kau jwqw khY jwqy kau AwieAw ] One who is coming is said to be going, and one who is gone is said to have come. pr kI kau ApunI khY Apuno nhI BwieAw ]5] That which belongs to others, he calls his own, but he has no liking for that which is his. ||5|| mITy kau kauVw khY kVUey kau mITw ] That which is sweet is said to be bitter, and the bitter is said to be sweet. rwqy kI inMdw krih AYsw kil mih fITw ]6] One who is imbued with the Lord's Love is slandered - his is what I have seen in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||6|| cyrI kI syvw krih Twkuru nhI dIsY ] He serves the maid, and does not see his Lord and Master. poKru nIru ivrolIAY mwKnu nhI rIsY ]7] Churning the water in the pond, no butter is produced. ||7|| iesu pd jo ArQwie lyie so gurU hmwrw ] One who understands the meaning of this verse is my Guru. nwnk cInY Awp kau so Apr Apwrw ]8] O Nanak, one who knows his own self, is infinite and incomparable. ||8|| sBu Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy BrmwieAw ] He Himself is All-pervading; He Himself misleads the people. gur ikrpw qy bUJIAY sBu bRhmu smwieAw ]9]2]18] By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand, that God is contained in all. ||9||2||18|| |