gur kay charan hirdai vasaa-ay
mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1270-13)malaar mehlaa 5. Malaar, Fifth Mehl: |
gur ky crn ihrdY vswey ] kir ikrpw pRiB Awip imlwey ] in His Mercy, God has united me with Himself. Apny syvk kau ley pRBu lwie ] God enjoins His servant to his tasks. qw kI kImiq khI n jwie ]1] His worth cannot be expressed. ||1|| kir ikrpw pUrn suKdwqy ] Please be merciful to me, O Perfect Giver of peace. qum@rI ik®pw qy qUM iciq Awvih AwT phr qyrY rMig rwqy ]1] rhwau ] By Your Grace, You come to mind; I am imbued with Your Love, twenty-four hours a day. ||1||Pause|| gwvxu sunxu sBu qyrw Bwxw ] Singing and listening, it is all by Your Will. hukmu bUJY so swic smwxw ] One who understands the Hukam of Your Command is absorbed in Truth. jip jip jIvih qyrw nWau ] Chanting and meditating on Your Name, I live. quJ ibnu dUjw nwhI Qwau ]2] Without You, there is no place at all. ||2|| duK suK krqy hukmu rjwie ] Pain and pleasure come by Your Command, O Creator Lord. BwxY bKs BwxY dyie sjwie ] By the Pleasure of Your Will You forgive, and by the Pleasure of Your Will You award punishment. duhW isirAW kw krqw Awip ] You are the Creator of both realms. kurbwxu jWeI qyry prqwp ]3] I am a sacrifice to Your Glorious Grandeur. ||3|| qyrI kImiq qUhY jwxih ] You alone know Your value. qU Awpy bUJih suix Awip vKwxih ] You alone understand, You Yourself speak and listen. syeI Bgq jo quDu Bwxy ] They alone are devotees, who are pleasing to Your Will. nwnk iqn kY sd kurbwxy ]4]2]20] Nanak is forever a sacrifice to them. ||4||2||20|| |