gur kay charan oopar mayray maathay
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (187-9)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
gur ky crx aUpir myry mwQy ] qw qy duK myry sgly lwQy ]1] and all my pains are gone. ||1|| siqgur Apuny kau kurbwnI ] I am a sacrifice to my True Guru. Awqm cIin prm rMg mwnI ]1] rhwau ] I have come to understand my soul, and I enjoy supreme bliss. ||1||Pause|| crx ryxu gur kI muiK lwgI ] I have applied the dust of the Guru's Feet to my face, AhMbuiD iqin sgl iqAwgI ]2] which has removed all my arrogant intellect. ||2|| gur kw sbdu lgo min mITw ] The Word of the Guru's Shabad has become sweet to my mind, pwrbRhmu qw qy moih fITw ]3] and I behold the Supreme Lord God. ||3|| guru suKdwqw guru krqwru ] The Guru is the Giver of peace; the Guru is the Creator. jIA pRwx nwnk guru AwDwru ]4]38]107] O Nanak, the Guru is the Support of the breath of life and the soul. ||4||38||107|| |