gur kaa sabad rakhvaaray
soriT mhlw 5 ] (626-7)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
gur kw sbdu rKvwry ] caukI cauigrd hmwry ] It is a guardian posted on all four sides around me. rwm nwim mnu lwgw ] My mind is attached to the Lord's Name. jmu ljwie kir Bwgw ]1] The Messenger of Death has run away in shame. ||1|| pRB jI qU myro suKdwqw ] O Dear Lord, You are my Giver of peace. bMDn kwit kry mnu inrmlu pUrn purKu ibDwqw ] rhwau ] The Perfect Lord, the Architect of Destiny, has shattered my bonds, and made my mind immaculately pure. ||Pause|| nwnk pRBu AibnwsI ] O Nanak, God is eternal and imperishable. qw kI syv n ibrQI jwsI ] Service to Him shall never go unrewarded. And krih qyry dwsw ] Your slaves are in bliss; jip pUrn hoeI Awsw ]2]4]68] chanting and meditating, their desires are fulfilled. ||2||4||68|| |