gur sayvaa tay bhagat kamaa-ee
BYrau kbIr jI ] (1159-7)bhairo kabeer jee. Bhairao, Kabeer Jee: |
gur syvw qy Bgiq kmweI ] qb ieh mwns dyhI pweI ] Then, this human body is obtained. ies dyhI kau ismrih dyv ] Even the gods long for this human body. so dyhI Bju hir kI syv ]1] So vibrate that human body, and think of serving the Lord. ||1|| Bjhu guoibMd BUil mq jwhu ] Vibrate, and meditate on the Lord of the Universe, and never forget Him. mwns jnm kw eyhI lwhu ]1] rhwau ] This is the blessed opportunity of this human incarnation. ||1||Pause|| jb lgu jrw rogu nhI AwieAw ] As long as the disease of old age has not come to the body, jb lgu kwil gRsI nhI kwieAw ] and as long as death has not come and seized the body, jb lgu ibkl BeI nhI bwnI ] and as long as your voice has not lost its power, Bij lyih ry mn swirgpwnI ]2] O mortal being, vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the World. ||2|| Ab n Bjis Bjis kb BweI ] If you do not vibrate and meditate on Him now, when will you, O Sibing of Destiny? AwvY AMqu n BijAw jweI ] When the end comes, you will not be able to vibrate and meditate on Him. jo ikCu krih soeI Ab swru ] Whatever you have to do - now is the best time to do it. iPir pCuqwhu n pwvhu pwru ]3] Otherwise, you shall regret and repent afterwards, and you shall not be carried across to the other side. ||3|| so syvku jo lwieAw syv ] He alone is a servant, whom the Lord enjoins to His service. iqn hI pwey inrMjn dyv ] He alone attains the Immaculate Divine Lord. gur imil qw ky Kul@y kpwt ] Meeting with the Guru, his doors are opened wide, bhuir n AwvY jonI bwt ]4] and he does not have to journey again on the path of reincarnation. ||4|| iehI qyrw Aausru ieh qyrI bwr ] This is your chance, and this is your time. Gt BIqir qU dyKu ibcwir ] Look deep into your own heart, and reflect on this. khq kbIru jIiq kY hwir ] Says Kabeer, you can win or lose. bhu ibiD kihE pukwir pukwir ]5]1]9] In so many ways, I have proclaimed this out loud. ||5||1||9|| |