gun avgan mayro kachh na beechaaro

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (372-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

gunu Avgnu myro kCu n bIcwro ]
gun avgan mayro kachh na beechaaro.
He does not consider my merits or demerits.

nh dyiKE rUp rMg s^ØIgwro ]
nah daykhi-o roop rang seeNgaaro.
He does not look at my beauty, color or decorations.

cj Acwr ikCu ibiD nhI jwnI ]
chaj achaar kichh biDh nahee jaanee.
I do not know the ways of wisdom and good conduct.

bwh pkir ipRA syjY AwnI ]1]
baah pakar pari-a sayjai aanee. ||1||
But taking me by the arm, my Husband Lord has led me to His Bed. ||1||

suinbo sKI kMiq hmwro kIAlo Ksmwnw ]
sunibo sakhee kant hamaaro kee-alo khasmaanaa.
Hear, O my companions, my Husband, my Lord Master, possesses me.

kru msqik Dwir rwiKE kir Apunw ikAw jwnY iehu loku Ajwnw ]1] rhwau ]
kar mastak Dhaar raakhi-o kar apunaa ki-aa jaanai ih lok ajaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Placing His Hand upon my forehead, He protects me as His Own. What do these ignorant people know? ||1||Pause||

suhwgu hmwro Ab huix soihE ]
suhaag hamaaro ab hun sohi-o.
My married life now appears so beauteous;

kMqu imilE myro sBu duKu joihE ]
kant mili-o mayro sabh dukh johi-o.
my Husband Lord has met me, and He sees all my pains.

AWgin myrY soBw cMd ]
aaNgan mayrai sobhaa chand.
Within the courtyard of my heart, the glory of the moon shines.

inis bwsur ipRA sMig An�d ]2]
nis baasur pari-a sang anand. ||2||
Night and day, I have fun with my Beloved. ||2||

bsqR hmwry rMig clUl ]
bastar hamaaray rang chalool.
My clothes are dyed the deep crimson color of the poppy.

sgl AwBrx soBw kMiT PUl ]
sagal aabhran sobhaa kanth fool.
All the ornaments and garlands around my neck adorn me.

ipRA pyKI idRsit pwey sgl inDwn ]
pari-a paykhee darisat paa-ay sagal niDhaan.
Gazing upon my Beloved with my eyes, I have obtained all treasures;

dust dUq kI cUkI kwin ]3]
dusat doot kee chookee kaan. ||3||
I have shaken off the power of the evil demons. ||3||

sd KusIAw sdw rMg mwxy ]
sad khusee-aa sadaa rang maanay.
I have obtained eternal bliss, and I constantly celebrate.

nau iniD nwmu igRh mih iqRpqwny ]
na-o niDh naam garih meh tariptaanay.
With the nine treasures of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I am satisfied in my own home.

khu nwnk jau iprih sIgwrI ]
kaho naanak ja-o pireh seegaaree.
Says Nanak, when the happy soul-bride is adorned by her Beloved,

iQru sohwgin sMig BqwrI ]4]7]
thir sohaagan sang bhataaree. ||4||7||
she is forever happy with her Husband Lord. ||4||7||