gaa-i-o ree mai gun niDh mangal gaa-i-o
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1206-13)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
gwieE rI mY gux iniD mMgl gwieE ] Bly sMjog Bly idn Aausr jau gopwlu rIJwieE ]1] rhwau ] Fortunate is the time, fortunate is the day and the moment, when I become pleasing to the Lord of the World. ||1||Pause|| sMqh crn morlo mwQw ] I touch my forehead to the Feet of the Saints. hmry msqik sMq Dry hwQw ]1] The Saints have placed their hands on my forehead. ||1|| swDh mMqRü morlo mnUAw ] My mind is filled with the Mantra of the Holy Saints, qw qy gqu hoey qRY gunIAw ]2] and I have risen above the three qualities||2|| Bgqh drsu dyiK nYn rMgw ] Gazing upon the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of God's devotees, my eyes are filled with love. loB moh qUty BRm sMgw ]3] Greed and attachment are gone, along with doubt. ||3|| khu nwnk suK shj An�dw ] Says Nanak, I have found intuitive peace, poise and bliss. Koil@ BIiq imly prmwn�dw ]4]14] Tearing down the wall, I have met the Lord, the Embodiment of Supreme Bliss. ||4||14|| |