garihu vas gur keenaa ha-o ghar kee naar
sUhI mhlw 5 ] (737-9)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: |
igRhu vis guir kInw hau Gr kI nwir ] ds dwsI kir dInI Bqwir ] My Husband Lord has made the ten senses and organs of actions my slaves. sgl smgRI mY Gr kI joVI ] I have gathered together all the faculties and facilities of this house. Aws ipAwsI ipr kau loVI ]1] I am thirsty with desire and longing for my Husband Lord. ||1|| kvn khw gun kMq ipAwry ] What Glorious Virtues of my Beloved Husband Lord should I describe? suGV srUp dieAwl murwry ]1] rhwau ] He is All-knowing, totally beautiful and merciful; He is the Destroyer of ego. ||1||Pause|| squ sIgwru Bau AMjnu pwieAw ] I am adorned with Truth, and I have applied the mascara of the Fear of God to my eyes. AMimRq nwmu qMbolu muiK KwieAw ] I have chewed the betel-leaf of the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. kMgn bsqR ghny bny suhwvy ] My bracelets, robes and ornaments beautifully adorn me. Dn sB suK pwvY jW ipru Gir AwvY ]2] The soul-bride becomes totally happy, when her Husband Lord comes to her home. ||2|| gux kwmx kir kMqu rIJwieAw ] By the charms of virtue, I have enticed and fascinated my Husband Lord. vis kir lInw guir Brmu cukwieAw ] He is under my power - the Guru has dispelled my doubts. sB qy aUcw mMdru myrw ] My mansion is lofty and elevated. sB kwmix iqAwgI ipRau pRIqmu myrw ]3] Renouncing all other brides, my Beloved has become my lover. ||3|| pRgitAw sUru joiq aujIAwrw ] The sun has risen, and its light shines brightly. syj ivCweI srD Apwrw ] I have prepared my bed with infinite care and faith. nv rMg lwlu syj rwvx AwieAw ] My Darling Beloved is new and fresh; He has come to my bed to enjoy me. jn nwnk ipr Dn imil suKu pwieAw ]4]4] O Servant Nanak, my Husband Lord has come; the soul-bride has found peace. ||4||4|| |