Dhan sohaagan mahaa paveet.

goNf kbIr jIau ] (872-1)
gond kabeer jee-o.
Gond Kabeer Jee-o:

igRih soBw jw kY ry nwih ]
garihi sobhaa jaa kai ray naahi.
When someone's household has no glory,

Awvq phIAw KUDy jwih ]
aavat pahee-aa khooDhay jaahi.
the guests who come there depart still hungry.

vw kY AMqir nhI sMqoKu ]
vaa kai antar nahee santokh.
Deep within, there is no contentment.

ibnu sohwgin lwgY doKu ]1]
bin sohaagan laagai dokh. ||1||
Without his bride, the wealth of Maya, he suffers in pain. ||1||

Dnu sohwgin mhw pvIq ] qpy qpIsr folY cIq ]1] rhwau ]
Dhan sohaagan mahaa paveet. tapay tapeesar dolai cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So praise this bride, which can shake the consciousness of even the most dedicated ascetics and sages. ||1||Pause||

sohwgin ikrpn kI pUqI ]
sohaagan kirpan kee pootee.
This bride is the daughter of a wretched miser.

syvk qij jgq isau sUqI ]
sayvak taj jagat si-o sootee.
Abandoning the Lord's servant, she sleeps with the world.

swDU kY TwFI drbwir ]
saaDhoo kai thaadhee darbaar.
Standing at the door of the holy man,

srin qyrI mo kau insqwir ]2]
saran tayree mo ka-o nistaar. ||2||
she says, "I have come to your sanctuary; now save me!"||2||

sohwgin hY Aiq suMdrI ]
sohaagan hai at sundree.
This bride is so beautiful.

pg nyvr Cnk CnhrI ]
pag nayvar chhanak chhanharee.
The bells on her ankles make soft music.

jau lgu pRwn qaU lgu sMgy ]
ja-o lag paraan ta-oo lag sangay.
As long as there is the breath of life in the man, she remains attached to him.

nwih q clI byig auiT n�gy ]3]
naahi ta chalee bayg uth nangay. ||3||
But when it is no more, she quickly gets up and departs, bare-footed. ||3||

sohwgin Bvn qRY lIAw ]
sohaagan bhavan tarai lee-aa.
This bride has conquered the three worlds.

ds AT purwx qIrQ rs kIAw ]
das ath puraan tirath ras kee-aa.
The eighteen Puraanas and the sacred shrines of pilgrimage love her as well.

bRhmw ibsnu mhysr byDy ]
barahmaa bisan mahaysar bayDhay.
She pierced the hearts of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.

bfy BUpiq rwjy hY CyDy ]4]
baday bhoopat raajay hai chhayDhay. ||4||
She destroyed the great emperors and kings of the world. ||4||

sohwgin aurvwir n pwir ]
sohaagan urvaar na paar.
This bride has no restraint or limits.

pWc nwrd kY sMig ibDvwir ]
paaNch naarad kai sang biDhvaar.
She is in collusion with the five thieving passions.

pWc nwrd ky imtvy PUty ]
paaNch naarad kay mitvay footay.
When the clay pot of these five passions bursts,

khu kbIr gur ikrpw CUty ]5]5]8]
kaho kabeer gur kirpaa chhootay. ||5||5||8||
then, says Kabeer, by Guru's Mercy, one is released. ||5||5||8||