gagan mai thaal rav chand deepak banay taarikaa mandal janak motee
DnwsrI mhlw 1 AwrqI (663-5)Dhanaasree mehlaa 1 aartee Dhanaasaree, First Mehl, Aartee: |
ggn mY Qwlu riv cMdu dIpk bny qwirkw mMfl jnk moqI ] DUpu mlAwnlo pvxu cvro kry sgl bnrwie PUl�q joqI ]1] The fragrance of sandalwood is the incense, the wind is the fan, and all the vegetation are flowers in offering to You, O Luminous Lord. ||1|| kYsI AwrqI hoie Bv KMfnw qyrI AwrqI ] What a beautiful lamp-lit worship service this is! O Destroyer of fear, this is Your Aartee, Your worship service. Anhqw sbd vwjMq ByrI ]1] rhwau ] The sound current of the Shabad is the sounding of the temple drums. ||1||Pause|| shs qv nYn nn nYn hY qoih kau shs mUriq nnw eyk qohI ] Thousands are Your eyes, and yet You have no eyes. Thousands are Your forms, and yet You have not even one form. shs pd ibml nn eyk pd gMD ibnu shs qv gMD iev clq mohI ]2] Thousands are Your lotus feet, and yet You have no feet. Without a nose, thousands are Your noses. I am enchanted with Your play! ||2|| sB mih joiq joiq hY soie ] The Divine Light is within everyone; You are that Light. iqs kY cwnix sB mih cwnxu hoie ] Yours is that Light which shines within everyone. gur swKI joiq prgtu hoie ] By the Guru's Teachings, this Divine Light is revealed. jo iqsu BwvY su AwrqI hoie ]3] That which pleases the Lord is the true worship service. ||3|| hir crx kml mkrMd loiBq mno Anidno moih AwhI ipAwsw ] My soul is enticed by the honey-sweet lotus feet of the Lord; night and day, I thirst for them. ik®pw jlu dyih nwnk swirMg kau hoie jw qy qyrY nwim vwsw ]4]1]7]9] Bless Nanak, the thirsty song-bird, with the water of Your Mercy, that he may come to dwell in Your Name. ||4||1||7||9|| |