gagan nagar ik boond na barkhai naad kahaa jo samaanaa

Awsw kbIr jIau ] (480-10)
aasaa kabeer jee-o.
Aasaa Kabeer Jee-o:

ggn ngir iek bUMd n brKY nwdu khw ju smwnw ]
gagan nagar ik boond na barkhai naad kahaa jo samaanaa.
From the city of the Tenth Gate, the sky of the mind, not even a drop rains down. Where is the music of the sound current of the Naad, which was contained in it?

pwrbRhm prmysur mwDo prm hMsu ly isDwnw ]1]
paarbarahm parmaysur maaDho param hans lay siDhaanaa. ||1||
The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, the Master of wealth has taken away the Supreme Soul. ||1||

bwbw bolqy qy khw gey dyhI ky sMig rhqy ]
baabaa boltay tay kahaa ga-ay dayhee kay sang rahtay.
O Father, tell me: where has it gone? It used to dwell within the body,

suriq mwih jo inrqy krqy kQw bwrqw khqy ]1] rhwau ]
surat maahi jo nirtay kartay kathaa baartaa kahtay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and dance in the mind, teaching and speaking. ||1||Pause||

bjwvnhwro khw gieE ijin iehu mMdru kIn@w ]
bajaavanhaaro kahaa ga-i-o jin ih mandar keenHaa.
Where has the player gone - he who made this temple his own?

swKI sbdu suriq nhI aupjY iKMic qyju sBu lIn@w ]2]
saakhee sabad surat nahee upjai khinch tayj sabh leenHaa. ||2||
No story, word or understanding is produced; the Lord has drained off all the power. ||2||

sRvnn ibkl Bey sMig qyry ieMdRI kw blu Qwkw ]
saravnan bikal bha-ay sang tayray indree kaa bal thaakaa.
The ears, your companions, have gone deaf, and the power of your organs is exhausted.

crn rhy kr Frik pry hY muKhu n inksY bwqw ]3]
charan rahay kar dharak paray hai mukhahu na niksai baataa. ||3||
Your feet have failed, your hands have gone limp, and no words issue forth from your mouth. ||3||

Qwky pMc dUq sB qskr Awp AwpxY BRmqy ]
thaakay panch doot sabh taskar aap aapnai bharamtay.
Having grown weary, the five enemies and all the thieves have wandered away according to their own will.

Qwkw mnu kuMcr auru Qwkw qyju sUqu Dir rmqy ]4]
thaakaa man kunchar ur thaakaa tayj soot Dhar ramtay. ||4||
The elephant of the mind has grown weary, and the heart has grown weary as well; through its power, it used to pull the strings. ||4||

imrqk Bey dsY bMd CUty imqR BweI sB Cory ]
mirtak bha-ay dasai band chhootay mitar bhaa-ee sabh chhoray.
He is dead, and the bonds of the ten gates are opened; he has left all his friends and brothers.

khq kbIrw jo hir iDAwvY jIvq bMDn qory ]5]5]18]
kahat kabeeraa jo har Dhi-aavai jeevat banDhan toray. ||5||5||18||
Says Kabeer, one who meditates on the Lord, breaks his bonds, even while yet alive. ||5||5||18||