kaahay ray nar garab karat hahu binas jaa-ay jhoothee dayhee
DnwsrI bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jI kI (692-18)Dhanaasree banee bhagat naamdayv jee kee Dhanaasaree, The Word Of Devotee Naam Dayv Jee: |
ghrI kir kY nIv KudweI aUpir mMfp Cwey ] mwrkMfy qy ko AiDkweI ijin iqRx Dir mUMf blwey ]1] Can anyone live longer than Markanda, who passed his days with only a handful of straw upon his head? ||1|| hmro krqw rwmu snyhI ] The Creator Lord is our only friend. kwhy ry nr grbu krq hhu ibnis jwie JUTI dyhI ]1] rhwau ] O man, why are you so proud? This body is only temporary - it shall pass away. ||1||Pause|| myrI myrI kYrau krqy durjoDn sy BweI ] The Kaurvas, who had brothers like Duryodhan, used to proclaim, "This is ours! This is ours!" bwrh jojn CqRü clY Qw dyhI igrJn KweI ]2] Their royal procession extended over sixty miles, and yet their bodies were eaten by vultures. ||2|| srb suoien kI l�kw hoqI rwvn sy AiDkweI ] Sri Lanka was totally rich with gold; was anyone greater than its ruler Raavan? khw BieE dir bWDy hwQI iKn mih BeI prweI ]3] What happened to the elephants, tethered at his gate? In an instant, it all belonged to someone else. ||3|| durbwsw isau krq TgaurI jwdv ey Pl pwey ] The Yaadvas deceived Durbaasaa, and received their rewards. ik®pw krI jn Apuny aUpr nwmdyau hir gun gwey ]4]1] The Lord has shown mercy to His humble servant, and now Naam Dayv sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||1|| |