ga-ay kalays rog sabh naasay parabh apunai kirpaa Dhaaree
soriT mÚ 5 ] (619-9)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
gey klys rog siB nwsy pRiB ApunY ikrpw DwrI ] AwT phr AwrwDhu suAwmI pUrn Gwl hmwrI ]1] God has showered me with His Grace. Twenty-four hours a day, I worship and adore my Lord and Master; my efforts have come to fruition. ||1|| hir jIau qU suK sMpiq rwis ] O Dear Lord, You are my peace, wealth and capital. rwiK lYhu BweI myry kau pRB AwgY Ardwis ] rhwau ] Please, save me, O my Beloved! I offer this prayer to my God. ||Pause|| jo mwgau soeI soeI pwvau Apny Ksm Brosw ] Whatever I ask for, I receive; I have total faith in my Master. khu nwnk guru pUrw ByitE imitE sgl AMdysw ]2]14]42] Says Nanak, I have met with the Perfect Guru, and all my fears have been dispelled. ||2||14||42|| |