khuraasaan khasmaanaa kee-aa hindusataan daraa-i-aa
Awsw mhlw 1 ] (360-12)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: |
Kurwswn Ksmwnw kIAw ihMdusqwnu frwieAw ] AwpY dosu n dyeI krqw jmu kir muglu cVwieAw ] The Creator Himself does not take the blame, but has sent the Mugal as the messenger of death. eyqI mwr peI krlwxy qYN kI drdu n AwieAw ]1] There was so much slaughter that the people screamed. Didn't You feel compassion, Lord? ||1|| krqw qUM sBnw kw soeI ] O Creator Lord, You are the Master of all. jy skqw skqy kau mwry qw min rosu n hoeI ]1] rhwau ] If some powerful man strikes out against another man, then no one feels any grief in their mind. ||1||Pause|| skqw sIhu mwry pY vgY KsmY sw pursweI ] But if a powerful tiger attacks a flock of sheep and kills them, then its master must answer for it. rqn ivgwiV ivgoey kuq^ØI muieAw swr n kweI ] This priceless country has been laid waste and defiled by dogs, and no one pays any attention to the dead. Awpy joiV ivCoVy Awpy vyKu qyrI vifAweI ]2] You Yourself unite, and You Yourself separate; I gaze upon Your Glorious Greatness. ||2|| jy ko nwau Drwey vfw swd kry min Bwxy ] One may give himself a great name, and revel in the pleasures of the mind, KsmY ndrI kIVw AwvY jyqy cugY dwxy ] but in the Eyes of the Lord and Master, he is just a worm, for all the corn that he eats. mir mir jIvY qw ikCu pwey nwnk nwmu vKwxy ]3]5]39] Only one who dies to his ego while yet alive, obtains the blessings, O Nanak, by chanting the Lord's Name. ||3||5||39|| |