jisahi sahaa-ee ho-ay bhagvaan
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (888-4)raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: |
koit ibGn nhI Awvih nyir ] Aink mwieAw hY qw kI cyir ] the many manifestations of Maya are his hand-maidens; Aink pwp qw ky pwnIhwr ] countless sins are his water-carriers; jw kau mieAw BeI krqwr ]1] he is blessed with the Grace of the Creator Lord. ||1|| ijsih shweI hoie Bgvwn ] One who has the Lord God as his help and support Aink jqn auAw kY srMjwm ]1] rhwau ] - all his efforts are fulfilled. ||1||Pause|| krqw rwKY kIqw kaunu ] He is protected by the Creator Lord; what harm can anyone do to him? kIrI jIqo sglw Bvnu ] Even an ant can conquer the whole world. byAMq mihmw qw kI kyqk brn ] His glory is endless; how can I describe it? bil bil jweIAY qw ky crn ]2] I am a sacrifice, a devoted sacrifice, to His feet. ||2|| iqn hI kIAw jpu qpu iDAwnu ] He alone performs worship, austerities and meditation; Aink pRkwr kIAw iqin dwnu ] he alone is a giver to various charities; Bgqu soeI kil mih prvwnu ] he alone is approved in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, jw kau Twkuir dIAw mwnu ]3] whom the Lord Master blesses with honor. ||3|| swDsMig imil Bey pRgws ] Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I am enlightened. shj sUK Aws invws ] I have found celestial peace, and my hopes are fulfilled. pUrY siqguir dIAw ibsws ] The Perfect True Guru has blessed me with faith. nwnk hoey dwsin dws ]4]7]18] Nanak is the slave of His slaves. ||4||7||18|| |