aiso Dhanee guvind hamaaraa
BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1156-10)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: |
koit ibsn kIny Avqwr ] koit bRhmMf jw ky DRmswl ] He created millions of universes as places to practice righteousness. koit mhys aupwie smwey ] He created and destroyed millions of Shivas. koit bRhmy jgu swjx lwey ]1] He employed millions of Brahmas to create the worlds. ||1|| AYso DxI guivMdu hmwrw ] Such is my Lord and Master, the Lord of the Universe. brin n swkau gux ibsQwrw ]1] rhwau ] I cannot even describe His Many Virtues. ||1||Pause|| koit mwieAw jw kY syvkwie ] Millions of Mayas are His maid-servants. koit jIA jw kI ishjwie ] Millions of souls are His beds. koit aupwrjnw qyrY AMig ] Millions of universes are the limbs of His Being. koit Bgq bsq hir sMig ]2] Millions of devotees abide with the Lord. ||2|| koit CqRpiq krq nmskwr ] Millions of kings with their crowns and canopies bow before Him. koit ieMdR TwFy hY duAwr ] Millions of Indras stand at His Door. koit bYkuMT jw kI idRstI mwih ] Millions of heavenly paradises are within the scope of His Vision. koit nwm jw kI kImiq nwih ]3] Millions of His Names cannot even be appraised. ||3|| koit pUrIAq hY jw kY nwd ] Millions of celestial sounds resound for Him. koit AKwry cilq ibsmwd ] His Wondrous Plays are enacted on millions of stages. koit skiq isv AwigAwkwr ] Millions of Shaktis and Shivas are obedient to Him. koit jIA dyvY AwDwr ]4] He gives sustenance and support to millions of beings. ||4|| koit qIrQ jw ky crn mJwr ] In His Feet are millions of sacred shrines of pilgrimage. koit pivqR jpq nwm cwr ] Millions chant His Sacred and Beautiful Name. koit pUjwrI krqy pUjw ] Millions of worshippers worship Him. koit ibsQwrnu Avru n dUjw ]5] Millions of expanses are His; there is no other at all. ||5|| koit mihmw jw kI inrml hMs ] Millions of swan-souls sing His Immaculate Praises. koit ausqiq jw kI krq bRhmMs ] Millions of Brahma's sons sing His Praises. koit prlau Epiq inmK mwih ] He creates and destroys millions, in an instant. koit guxw qyry gxy n jwih ]6] Millions are Your Virtues, Lord - they cannot even be counted. ||6|| koit igAwnI kQih igAwnu ] Millions of spiritual teachers teach His spiritual wisdom. koit iDAwnI Drq iDAwnu ] Millions of meditators focus on His meditation. koit qpIsr qp hI krqy ] Millions of austere penitents practice austerities. koit munIsr muoin mih rhqy ]7] Millions of silent sages dwell in silence. ||7|| Aivgq nwQu Agocr suAwmI ] pUir rihAw Gt AMqrjwmI ] Our Eternal, Imperishable, Incomprehensible Lord and Master, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is permeating all hearts. jq kq dyKau qyrw vwsw ] Wherever I look, I see Your Dwelling, O Lord. nwnk kau guir kIE pRgwsw ]8]2]5] The Guru has blessed Nanak with enlightenment. ||8||2||5|| |