har aaraaDh na jaanaa ray
soriT mhlw 5 ] (612-5)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
koit bRhmMf ko Twkuru suAwmI srb jIAw kw dwqw ry ] pRiqpwlY inq swir smwlY ieku gunu nhI mUriK jwqw ry ]1] He ever cherishes and cares for all beings, but the fool does not appreciate any of His virtues. ||1|| hir AwrwiD n jwnw ry ] I do not know how to worship the Lord in adoration. hir hir guru guru krqw ry ] I can only repeat, "Lord, Lord, Guru, Guru." hir jIau nwmu pirE rwmdwsu ] rhwau ] O Dear Lord, I go by the name of the Lord's slave. ||Pause|| dIn dieAwl ik®pwl suK swgr srb Gtw BrpUrI ry ] The Compassionate Lord is Merciful to the meek, the ocean of peace; He fills all hearts. pyKq sunq sdw hY sMgy mY mUrK jwinAw dUrI ry ]2] He sees, hears, and is always with me; but I am a fool, and I think that He is far away. ||2|| hir ibAMqu hau imiq kir vrnau ikAw jwnw hoie kYso ry ] The Lord is limitless, but I can only describe Him within my limitations; what do I know, about what He is like? krau bynqI siqgur Apuny mY mUrK dyhu aupdyso ry ]3] I offer my prayer to my True Guru; I am so foolish - please, teach me! ||3|| mY mUrK kI kyqk bwq hY koit prwDI qirAw ry ] I am just a fool, but millions of sinners just like me have been saved. guru nwnku ijn suixAw pyiKAw sy iPir grBwis n pirAw ry ]4]2]13] Those who have heard, and seen Guru Nanak, do not descend into the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||2||13|| |