mai gareeb sach tayk tooN mayray satgur pooray
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (398-12)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
koie n iks hI sMig kwhy grbIAY ] eyku nwmu AwDwru Baujlu qrbIAY ]1] With the Support of the One Name, this terrible world-ocean is crossed over. ||1|| mY grIb scu tyk qUM myry siqgur pUry ] You are the True Support of me, the poor mortal, O my Perfect True Guru. dyiK qum@wrw drsno myrw mnu DIry ]1] rhwau ] Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, my mind is encouraged. ||1||Pause|| rwju mwlu jMjwlu kwij n ikqY gnuo ] Royal powers, wealth, and worldly involvements are of no use at all. hir kIrqnu AwDwru inhclu eyhu Dnuo ]2] The Kirtan of the Lord's Praise is my Support; this wealth is everlasting. ||2|| jyqy mwieAw rMg qyq pCwivAw ] As many as are the pleasures of Maya, so many are the shadows they leave. suK kw nwmu inDwnu gurmuiK gwivAw ]3] The Gurmukhs sing of the Naam, the treasure of peace. ||3|| scw guxI inDwnu qUM pRB gihr gMBIry ] You are the True Lord, the treasure of excellence; O God, You are deep and unfathomable. Aws Brosw Ksm kw nwnk ky jIAry ]4]9]111] The Lord Master is the hope and support of Nanak's mind. ||4||9||111|| |