kuchil kathor kapat kaamee

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1301-13)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5.
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl:

kuicl kTor kpt kwmI ]
kuchil kathor kapat kaamee.
I am filthy, hard-hearted, deceitful and obsessed with sexual desire.

ijau jwnih iqau qwir suAwmI ]1] rhwau ]
ji-o jaaneh ti-o taar su-aamee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Please carry me across, as You wish, O my Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||

qU smrQu srin jogu qU rwKih ApnI kl Dwir ]1]
too samrath saran jog too raakhahi apnee kal Dhaar. ||1||
You are All-powerful and Potent to grant Sanctuary. Exerting Your Power, You protect us. ||1||

jwp qwp nym suic sMjm nwhI ien ibDy Cutkwr ]
jaap taap naym such sanjam naahee in biDhay chhutkaar.
Chanting and deep meditation, penance and austere self-discipline, fasting and purification - salvation does not come by any of these means.

grq Gor AMD qy kwFhu pRB nwnk ndir inhwir ]2]8]19]
garat ghor anDh tay kaadhahu parabh naanak nadar nihaar. ||2||8||19||
Please lift me up and out of this deep, dark ditch; O God, please bless Nanak with Your Glance of Grace. ||2||8||19||