mayray har jee-o sabh ko tayrai vas
sUhI mhlw 4 ] (736-3)soohee mehlaa 4. Soohee, Fourth Mehl: |
kIqw krxw srb rjweI ikCu kIcY jy kir skIAY ] Awpxw kIqw ikCU n hovY ijau hir BwvY iqau rKIAY ]1] By ourselves, we cannot do anything at all. As it pleases the Lord, He preserves us. ||1|| myry hir jIau sBu ko qyrY vis ] O my Dear Lord, everything is in Your power. Asw joru nwhI jy ikCu kir hm swkh ijau BwvY iqvY bKis ]1] rhwau ] I have no power to do anything at all. As it pleases You, You forgive us. ||1||Pause|| sBu jIau ipMfu dIAw quDu Awpy quDu Awpy kwrY lwieAw ] You Yourself bless us with soul, body and everything. You Yourself cause us to act. jyhw qUM hukmu krih qyhy ko krm kmwvY jyhw quDu Duir iliK pwieAw ]2] As You issue Your Commands, so do we act, according to our pre-ordained destiny. ||2|| pMc qqu kir quDu isRsit sB swjI koeI Cyvw kirau jy ikCu kIqw hovY ] You created the entire Universe out of the five elements; if anyone can create a sixth, let him. ieknw siqguru myil qUM buJwvih ieik mnmuiK krih is rovY ]3] You unite some with the True Guru, and cause them to understand, while others, the self-willed manmukhs, do their deeds and cry out in pain. ||3|| hir kI vifAweI hau AwiK n swkw hau mUrKu mugDu nIcwxu ] I cannot describe the glorious greatness of the Lord; I am foolish, thoughtless, idiotic and lowly. jn nwnk kau hir bKis lY myry suAwmI srxwgiq pieAw Ajwxu ]4]4]15]24] Please, forgive servant Nanak, O my Lord and Master; I am ignorant, but I have entered Your Sanctuary. ||4||4||15||24|| |