kichhahoo kaaj na kee-o jaan
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (894-9)raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: |
ikChU kwju n kIE jwin ] suriq miq nwhI ikCu igAwin ] I have no knowledge, intelligence or spiritual wisdom. jwp qwp sIl nhI Drm ] I have not practiced chanting, deep meditation, humility or righteousness. ikCU n jwnau kYsw krm ]1] I know nothing of such good karma. ||1|| Twkur pRIqm pRB myry ] O my Beloved God, my Lord and Master, quJ ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI BUlh cUkh pRB qyry ]1] rhwau ] there is none other than You. Even though I wander and make mistakes, I am still Yours, God. ||1||Pause|| iriD n buiD n isiD pRgwsu ] I have no wealth, no intelligence, no miraculous spiritual powers; I am not enlightened. ibKY ibAwiD ky gwv mih bwsu ] I dwell in the village of corruption and sickness. krxhwr myry pRB eyk ] O my One Creator Lord God, nwm qyry kI mn mih tyk ]2] Your Name is the support of my mind. ||2|| suix suix jIvau min iehu ibsRwmu ] Hearing, hearing Your Name, I live; this is my mind's consolation. pwp KMfn pRB qyro nwmu ] Your Name, God, is the Destroyer of sins. qU Agnqu jIA kw dwqw ] You, O Limitless Lord, are the Giver of the soul. ijsih jxwvih iqin qU jwqw ]3] He alone knows You, unto whom You reveal Yourself. ||3|| jo aupwieE iqsu qyrI Aws ] Whoever has been created, rests his hopes in You. sgl ArwDih pRB guxqws ] All worship and adore You, God, O treasure of excellence. nwnk dws qyrY kurbwxu ] Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to You. byAMq swihbu myrw imhrvwxu ]4]26]37] My merciful Lord and Master is infinite. ||4||26||37|| |