kis ha-o sayvee ki-aa jap karee satgur poochha-o jaa-ay

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (34-13)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

iksu hau syvI ikAw jpu krI sqgur pUCau jwie ]
kis ha-o sayvee ki-aa jap karee satgur poochha-o jaa-ay.
Whom shall I serve? What shall I chant? I will go and ask the Guru.

sqgur kw Bwxw mMin leI ivchu Awpu gvwie ]
satgur kaa bhaanaa man la-ee vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
I will accept the Will of the True Guru, and eradicate selfishness from within.

eyhw syvw cwkrI nwmu vsY min Awie ]
ayhaa sayvaa chaakree naam vasai man aa-ay.
By this work and service, the Naam shall come to dwell within my mind.

nwmY hI qy suKu pweIAY scY sbid suhwie ]1]
naamai hee tay sukh paa-ee-ai sachai sabad suhaa-ay. ||1||
Through the Naam, peace is obtained; I am adorned and embellished by the True Word of the Shabad. ||1||

mn myry Anidnu jwgu hir cyiq ]
man mayray an-din jaag har chayt.
O my mind, remain awake and aware night and day, and think of the Lord.

AwpxI KyqI riK lY kUMj pVYgI Kyiq ]1] rhwau ]
aapnee khaytee rakh lai kooNj parhaigee khayt. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Protect your crops, or else the birds shall descend on your farm. ||1||Pause||

mn kIAw ieCw pUrIAw sbid rihAw BrpUir ]
man kee-aa ichhaa pooree-aa sabad rahi-aa bharpoor.
The desires of the mind are fulfilled, when one is filled to overflowing with the Shabad.

BY Bwie Bgiq krih idnu rwqI hir jIau vyKY sdw hdUir ]
bhai bhaa-ay bhagat karahi din raatee har jee-o vaykhai sadaa hadoor.
One who fears, loves, and is devoted to the Dear Lord day and night, sees Him always close at hand.

scY sbid sdw mnu rwqw BRmu gieAw srIrhu dUir ]
sachai sabad sadaa man raataa bharam ga-i-aa sareerahu door.
Doubt runs far away from the bodies of those, whose minds remain forever attuned to the True Word of the Shabad.

inrmlu swihbu pwieAw swcw guxI ghIru ]2]
nirmal saahib paa-i-aa saachaa gunee gaheer. ||2||
The Immaculate Lord and Master is found. He is True; He is the Ocean of Excellence. ||2||

jo jwgy sy aubry sUqy gey muhwie ]
jo jaagay say ubray sootay ga-ay muhaa-ay.
Those who remain awake and aware are saved, while those who sleep are plundered.

scw sbdu n pCwixE supnw gieAw ivhwie ]
sachaa sabad na pachhaani-o supnaa ga-i-aa vihaa-ay.
They do not recognize the True Word of the Shabad, and like a dream, their lives fade away.

suM\y Gr kw pwhuxw ijau AwieAw iqau jwie ]
sunjay ghar kaa paahunaa ji-o aa-i-aa ti-o jaa-ay.
Like guests in a deserted house, they leave just exactly as they have come.

mnmuK jnmu ibrQw gieAw ikAw muhu dysI jwie ]3]
manmukh janam birthaa ga-i-aa ki-aa muhu daysee jaa-ay. ||3||
The life of the self-willed manmukh passes uselessly. What face will he show when he passes beyond? ||3||

sB ikCu Awpy Awip hY haumY ivic khnu n jwie ]
sabh kichh aapay aap hai ha-umai vich kahan na jaa-ay.
God Himself is everything; those who are in their ego cannot even speak of this.

gur kY sbid pCwxIAY duKu haumY ivchu gvwie ]
gur kai sabad pachhaanee-ai dukh ha-umai vichahu gavaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is realized, and the pain of egotism is eradicated from within.

sqguru syvin Awpxw hau iqn kY lwgau pwie ]
satgur sayvan aapnaa ha-o tin kai laaga-o paa-ay.
I fall at the feet of those who serve their True Guru.

nwnk dir scY sicAwr hih hau iqn bilhwrY jwau ]4]21]54]
naanak dar sachai sachiaar heh ha-o tin balihaarai jaa-o. ||4||21||54||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to those who are found to be true in the True Court. ||4||21||54||