mayray man sukh-daata har so-ay
isrIrwgu mhlw 5 Gru 1 ] (42-6)sireeraag mehlaa 5 Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl, First House: |
ikAw qU rqw dyiK kY puqR klqR sIgwr ] rs Bogih KusIAw krih mwxih rMg Apwr ] You enjoy tasty delicacies, you have lots of fun, and you indulge in endless pleasures. bhuqu krih PurmwiesI vrqih hoie APwr ] You give all sorts of commands, and you act so superior. krqw iciq n AwveI mnmuK AMD gvwr ]1] The Creator does not come into the mind of the blind, idiotic, self-willed manmukh. ||1|| myry mn suKdwqw hir soie ] O my mind, the Lord is the Giver of peace. gur prswdI pweIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]1] rhwau ] By Guru's Grace, He is found. By His Mercy, He is obtained. ||1||Pause|| kpiV Boig lptwieAw suienw rupw Kwku ] People are entangled in the enjoyment of fine clothes, but gold and silver are only dust. hYvr gYvr bhu rMgy kIey rQ AQwk ] They acquire beautiful horses and elephants, and ornate carriages of many kinds. iks hI iciq n pwvhI ibsirAw sB swk ] They think of nothing else, and they forget all their relatives. isrjxhwir BulwieAw ivxu nwvY nwpwk ]2] They ignore their Creator; without the Name, they are impure. ||2|| lYdw bd duAwie qUM mwieAw krih iekq ] Gathering the wealth of Maya, you earn an evil reputation. ijs no qUM pqIAwiedw so sxu quJY Ainq ] Those whom you work to please shall pass away along with you. AhMkwru krih AhMkwrIAw ivAwipAw mn kI miq ] The egotistical are engrossed in egotism, ensnared by the intellect of the mind. iqin pRiB Awip BulwieAw nw iqsu jwiq n piq ]3] One who is deceived by God Himself, has no position and no honor. ||3|| siqguir puriK imlwieAw ieko sjxu soie ] The True Guru, the Primal Being, has led me to meet the One, my only Friend. hir jn kw rwKw eyku hY ikAw mwxs haumY roie ] The One is the Saving Grace of His humble servant. Why should the proud cry out in ego? jo hir jn BwvY so kry dir Pyru n pwvY koie ] As the servant of the Lord wills, so does the Lord act. At the Lord's Door, none of his requests are denied. nwnk rqw rMig hir sB jg mih cwnxu hoie ]4]1]71] Nanak is attuned to the Love of the Lord, whose Light pervades the entire Universe. ||4||1||71|| |