kirpaa niDh bashu ridai har neet
tofI mhlw 5 ] (712-18)todee mehlaa 5. Todee, Fifth Mehl: |
ik®pw iniD bshu irdY hir nIq ] qYsI buiD krhu prgwsw lwgY pRB sMig pRIiq ] rhwau ] Please awaken such understanding within me, that I may be in love with You, God. ||Pause|| dws qumwry kI pwvau DUrw msqik ly ly lwvau ] Please, bless me with the dust of the feet of Your slaves; I touch it to my forehead. mhw piqq qy hoq punIqw hir kIrqn gun gwvau ]1] I was a great sinner, but I have been made pure, singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Glorious Praises. ||1|| AwigAw qumrI mITI lwgau kIE quhwro Bwvau ] Your Will seems so sweet to me; whatever You do, is pleasing to me. jo qU dyih qhI iehu iqRpqY Awn n kqhU Dwvau ]2] Whatever You give me, with that I am satisfied; I shall chase after no one else. ||2|| sd hI inkit jwnau pRB suAwmI sgl ryx hoie rhIAY ] I know that my Lord and Master God is always with me; I am the dust of all men's feet. swDU sMgiq hoie prwpiq qw pRBu Apunw lhIAY ]3] If I find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I shall obtain God. ||3|| sdw sdw hm Cohry qumry qU pRB hmro mIrw ] Forever and ever, I am Your child; You are my God, my King. nwnk bwirk qum mwq ipqw muiK nwmu qumwro KIrw ]4]3]5] Nanak is Your child; You are my mother and father; please, give me Your Name, like milk in my mouth. ||4||3||5|| |