kaaman har ras bayDhee jee-o har kai sahj subhaa-ay

gauVI mhlw 3 ](245-3)
ga-orhee mehlaa 3.
Gauree, Third Mehl:

kwmix hir ris byDI jIau hir kY shij suBwey ]
kaaman har ras bayDhee jee-o har kai sahj subhaa-ay.
The soul-bride is pierced through with the sublime essence of the Lord, in intuitive peace and poise.

mnu mohin moih lIAw jIau duibDw shij smwey ]
man mohan mohi lee-aa jee-o dubiDhaa sahj samaa-ay.
The Enticer of hearts has enticed her, and her sense of duality has been easily dispelled.

duibDw shij smwey kwmix vru pwey gurmqI rMgu lwey ]
dubiDhaa sahj samaa-ay kaaman var paa-ay gurmatee rang laa-ay.
Her sense of duality has been easily dispelled, and the soul-bride obtains her Husband Lord; following the Guru's Teachings, she makes merry.

iehu srIru kUiV kusiq BirAw gl qweI pwp kmwey ]
ih sareer koorh kusat bhari-aa gal taa-ee paap kamaa-ay.
This body is filled to overflowing with falsehood, deception and the commission of sins.

gurmuiK Bgiq ijqu shj Duin aupjY ibnu BgqI mYlu n jwey ]
gurmukh bhagat jit sahj Dhun upjai bin bhagtee mail na jaa-ay.
The Gurmukh practices that devotional worship, by which the celestial music wells up; without this devotional worship, filth is not removed.

nwnk kwmix iprih ipAwrI ivchu Awpu gvwey ]1]
naanak kaaman pireh pi-aaree vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the soul-bride who sheds selfishness and conceit from within, is dear to her Beloved. ||1||

kwmix ipru pwieAw jIau gur kY Bwie ipAwry ]
kaaman pir paa-i-aa jee-o gur kai bhaa-ay pi-aaray.
The soul-bride has found her Husband Lord, through the love and affection of the Guru.

rYix suiK suqI jIau AMqir auir Dwry ]
rain sukh sutee jee-o antar ur Dhaaray.
She passes her life-night sleeping in peace, enshrining the Lord in her heart.

AMqir auir Dwry imlIAY ipAwry Anidnu duKu invwry ]
antar ur Dhaaray milee-ai pi-aaray an-din dukh nivaaray.
Enshrining Him deep within her heart night and day, she meets her Beloved, and her pains depart.

AMqir mhlu ipru rwvy kwmix gurmqI vIcwry ]
antar mahal pir raavay kaaman gurmatee veechaaray.
Deep within the mansion of her inner being, she enjoys her Husband Lord, reflecting upon the Guru's Teachings.

AMimRqu nwmu pIAw idn rwqI duibDw mwir invwry ]
amrit naam pee-aa din raatee dubiDhaa maar nivaaray.
She drinks deeply of the Nectar of the Naam, day and night; she conquers and casts off her sense of duality.

nwnk sic imlI sohwgix gur kY hyiq Apwry ]2]
naanak sach milee sohagan gur kai hayt apaaray. ||2||
O Nanak, the happy soul-bride meets her True Lord, through the Infinite Love of the Guru. ||2||

Awvhu dieAw kry jIau pRIqm Aiq ipAwry ]
aavhu da-i-aa karay jee-o pareetam at pi-aaray.
Come, and shower Your Mercy upon me, my most Darling, Dear Beloved.

kwmix ibnau kry jIau sic sbid sIgwry ]
kaaman bin-o karay jee-o sach sabad seegaaray.
The soul-bride offers her prayers to You, to adorn her with the True Word of Your Shabad.

sic sbid sIgwry haumY mwry gurmuiK kwrj svwry ]
sach sabad seegaaray ha-umai maaray gurmukh kaaraj savaaray.
Adorned with the True Word of Your Shabad, she conquers her ego, and as Gurmukh, her affairs are resolved.

juig juig eyko scw soeI bUJY gur bIcwry ]
jug jug ayko sachaa so-ee boojhai gur beechaaray.
Throughout the ages, the One Lord is True; through the Guru's Wisdom, He is known.

mnmuiK kwim ivAwpI moih sMqwpI iksu AwgY jwie pukwry ]
manmukh kaam vi-aapee mohi santaapee kis aagai jaa-ay pukaaray.
The self-willed manmukh is engrossed in sexual desire, and tormented by emotional attachment. With whom should she lodge her complaints?

nwnk mnmuiK Qwau n pwey ibnu gur Aiq ipAwry ]3]
naanak manmukh thaa-o na paa-ay bin gur at pi-aaray. ||3||
O Nanak, the self-willed manmukh finds no place of rest, without the most Beloved Guru. ||3||

muMD ieAwxI BolI inguxIAw jIau ipru Agm Apwrw ]
munDh i-aanee bholee nigunee-aa jee-o pir agam apaaraa.
The bride is foolish, ignorant and unworthy. Her Husband Lord is Unapproachable and Incomparable.

Awpy myil imlIAY jIau Awpy bKsxhwrw ]
aapay mayl milee-ai jee-o aapay bakhsanhaaraa.
He Himself unites us in His Union; He Himself forgives us.

Avgx bKsxhwrw kwmix kMqu ipAwrw Git Git rihAw smweI ]
avgan bakhsanhaaraa kaaman kant pi-aaraa ghat ghat rahi-aa samaa-ee.
The soul-bride's Beloved Husband Lord is the Forgiver of sins; He is contained in each and every heart.

pRym pRIiq Bwie BgqI pweIAY siqguir bUJ buJweI ]
paraym pareet bhaa-ay bhagtee paa-ee-ai satgur boojh bujhaa-ee.
The True Guru has made me understand this understanding, that the Lord is obtained through love, affection and loving devotion.

sdw An�id rhY idn rwqI Anidnu rhY ilv lweI ]
sadaa anand rahai din raatee an-din rahai liv laa-ee.
She remains forever in bliss, day and night; she remains immersed in His Love, night and day.

nwnk shjy hir vru pwieAw sw Dn nau iniD pweI ]4]3]
naanak sehjay har var paa-i-aa saa Dhan na-o niDh paa-ee. ||4||3||
O Nanak, that soul-bride who obtains the nine treasures, intuitively obtains her Husband Lord. ||4||3||