sun sundar saaDhoo bachan uDhaaree
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (377-14)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu imtwvY CutkY durmiq ApunI DwrI ] hoie inmwxI syv kmwvih qw pRIqm hovih min ipAwrI ]1] and if, becoming humble, she serves Him, then she becomes dear to her Beloved's Heart. ||1|| suix suMdir swDU bcn auDwrI ] Listen, O beautiful soul-bride: By the Word of the Holy Saint, you shall be saved. dUK BUK imtY qyro shsw suK pwvih qUM suKmin nwrI ]1] rhwau ] Your pain, hunger and doubt shall vanish, and you shall obtain peace, O happy soul-bride. ||1||Pause|| crx pKwir krau gur syvw Awqm suDu ibKu iqAws invwrI ] Washing the Guru's feet, and serving Him, the soul is sanctified, and the thirst for sin is quenched. dwsn kI hoie dwis dwsrI qw pwvih soBw hir duAwrI ]2] If you become the slave of the slave of the Lord's slaves, then you shall obtain honor in the Court of the Lord. ||2|| iehI Acwr iehI ibauhwrw AwigAw mwin Bgiq hoie qum@wrI ] This is right conduct, and this is the correct lifestyle, to obey the Command of the Lord's Will; this is your devotional worship. jo iehu mMqRü kmwvY nwnk so Baujlu pwir auqwrI ]3]28] One who practices this Mantra, O Nanak, swims across the terrifying world-ocean. ||3||28|| |