so-ay rahay maa-i-aa mad maatay
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (388-16)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
kwim k®oiD AhMkwir ivgUqy ] hir ismrnu kir hir jn CUty ]1] Meditating on the Lord, the Lord's humble servants are redeemed. ||1|| soie rhy mwieAw md mwqy ] The mortals are asleep, intoxicated with the wine of Maya. jwgq Bgq ismrq hir rwqy ]1] rhwau ] The devotees remain awake, imbued with the Lord's meditation. ||1||Pause|| moh Brim bhu join BvwieAw ] In emotional attachment and doubt, the mortals wander through countless incarnations. AsiQru Bgq hir crx iDAwieAw ]2] The devotees remain ever-stable, meditating on the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||2|| bMDn AMD kUp igRh myrw ] Bound to household and possessions, the mortals are lost in the deep, dark pit. mukqy sMq buJih hir nyrw ]3] The Saints are liberated, knowing the Lord to be near at hand. ||3|| khu nwnk jo pRB srxweI ] Says Nanak, one who has taken to God's Sanctuary, eIhw suKu AwgY giq pweI ]4]22]73] obtains peace in this world, and salvation in the world hereafter. ||4||22||73|| |