kaachaa Dhan saNcheh moorakh gaavaar
DnwsrI mhlw 3 ] (665-14)Dhanaasree mehlaa 3. Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl: |
kwcw Dnu sMcih mUrK gwvwr ] mnmuK BUly AMD gwvwr ] The blind, foolish, self-willed manmukhs have gone astray. ibiKAw kY Din sdw duKu hoie ] Poisonous wealth brings constant pain. nw swiQ jwie n prwpiq hoie ]1] It will not go with you, and it will not yield any profit. ||1|| swcw Dnu gurmqI pwey ] True wealth is obtained through the Guru's Teachings. kwcw Dnu Puin AwvY jwey ] rhwau ] False wealth continues coming and going. ||Pause|| mnmuiK BUly siB mrih gvwr ] The foolish self-willed manmukhs all go astray and die. Bvjil fUby n aurvwir n pwir ] They drown in the terrifying world-ocean, and they cannot reach either this shore, or the one beyond. siqguru Byty pUrY Bwig ] But by perfect destiny, they meet the True Guru; swic rqy Aihinis bYrwig ]2] imbued with the True Name, day and night, they remain detached from the world. ||2|| chu jug mih AMimRqu swcI bwxI ] Throughout the four ages, the True Bani of His Word is Ambrosial Nectar. pUrY Bwig hir nwim smwxI ] By perfect destiny, one is absorbed in the True Name. isD swiDk qrsih siB loie ] The Siddhas, the seekers and all men long for the Name. pUrY Bwig prwpiq hoie ]3] It is obtained only by perfect destiny. ||3|| sBu ikCu swcw swcw hY soie ] The True Lord is everything; He is True. aUqm bRhmu pCwxY koie ] Only a few realize the exalted Lord God. scu swcw scu Awip idRVwey ] He is the Truest of the True; He Himself implants the True Name within. nwnk Awpy vyKY Awpy sic lwey ]4]7] O Nanak, the Lord Himself sees all; He Himself links us to the Truth. ||4||7|| |