kaa-i-aa kalaalan laahan mayla-o gur kaa sabad gurh keen ray
rwmklI bwxI Bgqw kI ] kbIr jIau ] (968-19)raamkalee banee bhagtaa kee. kabeer jee-o. Raamkalee, The Word Of The Devotees. Kabeer Jee: |
kwieAw klwlin lwhin mylau gur kw sbdu guVu kInu ry ] iqRsnw kwmu k®oDu md mqsr kwit kwit ksu dInu ry ]1] Cut up desire, sexuality, anger, pride and envy, and let them be the fermenting bark. ||1|| koeI hY ry sMqu shj suK AMqir jw kau jpu qpu dyau dlwlI ry ] Is there any Saint, with intuitive peace and poise deep within, unto whom I might offer my meditation and austerities as payment? eyk bUMd Bir qnu mnu dyvau jo mdu dyie klwlI ry ]1] rhwau ] I dedicate my body and mind to whoever gives me even a drop of this wine from such a vat. ||1||Pause|| Bvn cqur ds BwTI kIn@I bRhm Agin qin jwrI ry ] I have made the fourteen worlds the furnace, and I have burnt my body with the fire of God. mudRw mdk shj Duin lwgI suKmn pocnhwrI ry ]2] My mudra - my hand-gesture, is the pipe; tuning into the celestial sound current within, the Shushmanaa - the central spinal channel, is my cooling pad. ||2|| qIrQ brq nym suic sMjm riv sis ghnY dyau ry ] Pilgrimages, fasting, vows, purifications, self-discipline, austerities and breath control through the sun and moon channels - all these I pledge. suriq ipAwl suDw rsu AMimRqu eyhu mhw rsu pyau ry ]3] My focused consciousness is the cup, and the Ambrosial Nectar is the pure juice. I drink in the supreme, sublime essence of this juice. ||3|| inJr Dwr cuAY Aiq inrml ieh rs mnUAw rwqo ry ] The pure stream constantly trickles forth, and my mind is intoxicated by this sublime essence. kih kbIr sgly md CUCy iehY mhw rsu swco ry ]4]1] Says Kabeer, all other wines are trivial and tasteless; this is the only true, sublime essence. ||4||1|| |