man khuthar tayraa nahee bisaas too mahaa udmaadaa
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (815-11)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
kvnu kvnu nhI pqirAw qum@rI prqIiq ] mhw mohnI moihAw nrk kI rIiq ]1] You are enticed by the great enticer - this is the way to hell! ||1|| mn Kuthr qyrw nhI ibswsu qU mhw audmwdw ] O vicious mind, no faith can be placed in you; you are totally intoxicated. Kr kw pYKru qau CutY jau aUpir lwdw ]1] rhwau ] The donkey's leash is only removed, after the load is placed on his back. ||1||Pause|| jp qp sMjm qum@ KMfy jm ky duK fWf ] You destroy the value of chanting, intensive meditation and self-discipline; you shall suffer in pain, beaten by the Messenger of Death. ismrih nwhI join duK inrljy BWf ]2] You do not meditate, so you shall suffer the pains of reincarnation, you shameless buffoon! ||2|| hir sMig shweI mhw mIqu iqs isau qyrw Bydu ] The Lord is your Companion, your Helper, your Best Friend; but you disagree with Him. bIDw pMc btvwreI aupijE mhw Kydu ]3] You are in love with the five thieves; this brings terrible pain. ||3|| nwnk iqn sMqn srxwgqI ijn mnu vis kInw ] Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Saints, who have conquered their minds. qnu Dnu srbsu Awpxw pRiB jn kau dIn@w ]4]28]58] He gives body, wealth and everything to the slaves of God. ||4||28||58|| |