gobind ham aisay apraaDhee

rwmklI kbIr jIau ](970-19)
raamkalee kabeer jee-o
raamkalee kabeer jee-o

kvn kwj isrjy jg BIqir jnim kvn Plu pwieAw ]
kavan kaaj sirjay jag bheetar janam kavan fal paa-i-aa.
For what purpose were you created and brought into the world? What rewards have you received in this life?

Bv iniD qrn qwrn icMqwmin iek inmK n iehu mnu lwieAw ]1]
bhav niDh taran taaran chintaaman ik nimakh na ih man laa-i-aa. ||1||
God is the boat to carry you across the terrifying world-ocean; He is the Fulfiller of the mind's desires. You have not centered your mind on Him, even for an instant. ||1||

goibMd hm AYsy AprwDI ]
gobind ham aisay apraaDhee.
O Lord of the Universe, I am such a sinner!

ijin pRiB jIau ipMfu Qw dIAw iqs kI Bwau Bgiq nhI swDI ]1] rhwau ]
jin parabh jee-o pind thaa dee-aa tis kee bhaa-o bhagat nahee saaDhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God gave me body and soul, but I have not practiced loving devotional worship to Him. ||1||Pause||

pr Dn pr qn pr qI inMdw pr Apbwdu n CUtY ]
par Dhan par tan par tee nindaa par apbaad na chhootai.
Others' wealth, others' bodies, others' wives, others' slander and others' fights - I have not given them up.

Awvw gvnu hoqu hY Puin Puin iehu prsMgu n qUtY ]2]
aavaa gavan hot hai fun fun ih parsang na tootai. ||2||
For the sake of these, coming and going in reincarnation happens over and over again, and this story never ends. ||2||

ijh Gir kQw hoq hir sMqn iek inmK n kIn@o mY Pyrw ]
jih ghar kathaa hot har santan ik nimakh na keenHo mai fayraa.
That house, in which the Saints speak of the Lord - I have not visited it, even for an instant.

l�pt cor dUq mqvwry iqn sMig sdw bsyrw ]3]
lampat chor doot matvaaray tin sang sadaa basayraa. ||3||
Drunkards, thieves, and evil-doers - I constantly dwell with them. ||3||

kwm k®oD mwieAw md mqsr ey sMpY mo mwhI ]
kaam kroDh maa-i-aa mad matsar ay sampai mo maahee.
Sexual desire, anger, the wine of Maya, and envy - these are what I collect within myself.

dieAw Drmu Aru gur kI syvw ey supn�qir nwhI ]4]
da-i-aa Dharam ar gur kee sayvaa ay supnantar naahee. ||4||
Compassion, righteousness, and service to the Guru - these do not visit me, even in my dreams. ||4||

dIn dieAwl ik®pwl dmodr Bgiq bCl BY hwrI ]
deen da-i-aal kirpaal damodar bhagat bachhal bhai haaree.
He is merciful to the meek, compassionate and benevolent, the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear.

khq kbIr BIr jn rwKhu hir syvw krau qum@wrI ]5]8]
kahat kabeer bheer jan raakho har sayvaa kara-o tumHaaree. ||5||8||
Says Kabeer, please protect Your humble servant from disaster; O Lord, I serve only You. ||5||8||