gobind ham aisay apraaDhee
rwmklI kbIr jIau ] (970-19)raamkalee kabeer jee-o raamkalee kabeer jee-o |
kvn kwj isrjy jg BIqir jnim kvn Plu pwieAw ] Bv iniD qrn qwrn icMqwmin iek inmK n iehu mnu lwieAw ]1] God is the boat to carry you across the terrifying world-ocean; He is the Fulfiller of the mind's desires. You have not centered your mind on Him, even for an instant. ||1|| goibMd hm AYsy AprwDI ] O Lord of the Universe, I am such a sinner! ijin pRiB jIau ipMfu Qw dIAw iqs kI Bwau Bgiq nhI swDI ]1] rhwau ] God gave me body and soul, but I have not practiced loving devotional worship to Him. ||1||Pause|| pr Dn pr qn pr qI inMdw pr Apbwdu n CUtY ] Others' wealth, others' bodies, others' wives, others' slander and others' fights - I have not given them up. Awvw gvnu hoqu hY Puin Puin iehu prsMgu n qUtY ]2] For the sake of these, coming and going in reincarnation happens over and over again, and this story never ends. ||2|| ijh Gir kQw hoq hir sMqn iek inmK n kIn@o mY Pyrw ] That house, in which the Saints speak of the Lord - I have not visited it, even for an instant. l�pt cor dUq mqvwry iqn sMig sdw bsyrw ]3] Drunkards, thieves, and evil-doers - I constantly dwell with them. ||3|| kwm k®oD mwieAw md mqsr ey sMpY mo mwhI ] Sexual desire, anger, the wine of Maya, and envy - these are what I collect within myself. dieAw Drmu Aru gur kI syvw ey supn�qir nwhI ]4] Compassion, righteousness, and service to the Guru - these do not visit me, even in my dreams. ||4|| dIn dieAwl ik®pwl dmodr Bgiq bCl BY hwrI ] He is merciful to the meek, compassionate and benevolent, the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear. khq kbIr BIr jn rwKhu hir syvw krau qum@wrI ]5]8] Says Kabeer, please protect Your humble servant from disaster; O Lord, I serve only You. ||5||8|| |