man karhalaa satgur purakh Dhi-aa-ay
rwgu gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 krhly 234-4)raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4 karhalay Raag Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl, Karhalay: |
krhly mn prdysIAw ikau imlIAY hir mwie ] guru Bwig pUrY pwieAw gil imilAw ipAwrw Awie ]1] When I found the Guru, by the destiny of perfect good fortune, my Beloved came and embraced me. ||1|| mn krhlw siqguru purKu iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] O camel-like mind, meditate on the True Guru, the Primal Being. ||1||Pause|| mn krhlw vIcwrIAw hir rwm nwm iDAwie ] O camel-like mind, contemplate the Lord, and meditate on the Lord's Name. ijQY lyKw mMgIAY hir Awpy ley Cfwie ]2] When you are called to answer for your account, the Lord Himself shall release you. ||2|| mn krhlw Aiq inrmlw mlu lwgI haumY Awie ] O camel-like mind, you were once very pure; the filth of egotism has now attached itself to you. prqiK ipru Gir nwil ipAwrw ivCuiV cotw Kwie ]3] Your Beloved Husband is now manifest before you in your own home, but you are separated from Him, and you suffer such pain! ||3|| mn krhlw myry pRIqmw hir irdY Bwil Bwlwie ] O my beloved camel-like mind, search for the Lord within your own heart. aupwie ikqY n lBeI guru ihrdY hir dyKwie ]4] He cannot be found by any device; the Guru will show you the Lord within your heart. ||4|| mn krhlw myry pRIqmw idnu rYix hir ilv lwie ] O my beloved camel-like mind, day and night, lovingly attune yourself to the Lord. Gru jwie pwvih rMg mhlI guru myly hir mylwie ]5] Return to your own home, and find the palace of love; meet the Guru, and meet the Lord. ||5|| mn krhlw qUM mIqu myrw pwKMfu loBu qjwie ] O camel-like mind, you are my friend; abandon hypocrisy and greed. pwKMif loBI mwrIAY jm fMfu dyie sjwie ]6] The hypocritical and the greedy are struck down; the Messenger of Death punishes them with his club. ||6|| mn krhlw myry pRwn qUM mYlu pwKMfu Brmu gvwie ] O camel-like mind, you are my breath of life; rid yourself of the pollution of hypocrisy and doubt. hir AMimRq sru guir pUirAw imil sMgqI mlu lih jwie ]7] The Perfect Guru is the Ambrosial Pool of the Lord's Nectar; join the Holy Congregation, and wash away this pollution. ||7|| mn krhlw myry ipAwirAw iek gur kI isK suxwie ] O my dear beloved camel-like mind, listen only to the Teachings of the Guru. iehu mohu mwieAw psirAw AMiq swiQ n koeI jwie ]8] This emotional attachment to Maya is so pervasive. Ultimately, nothing shall go along with anyone. ||8|| mn krhlw myry swjnw hir Krcu lIAw piq pwie ] O camel-like mind, my good friend, take the supplies of the Lord's Name, and obtain honor. hir drgh pYnwieAw hir Awip lieAw gil lwie ]9] In the Court of the Lord, you shall be robed with honor, and the Lord Himself shall embrace you. ||9|| mn krhlw guir mMinAw gurmuiK kwr kmwie ] O camel-like mind, one who surrenders to the Guru becomes Gurmukh, and works for the Lord. gur AwgY kir jodVI jn nwnk hir mylwie ]10]1] Offer your prayers to the Guru; O servant Nanak, He shall unite you with the Lord. ||10||1|| |