kar kirpaa mayray pareetam su-aamee naytar daykheh daras tayraa raam
sUhI mhlw 5 ] (780-17)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: |
kir ikrpw myry pRIqm suAwmI nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw rwm ] lwK ijhvw dyhu myry ipAwry muKu hir AwrwDy myrw rwm ] Please bless me, O my Beloved, with thousands of tongues, to worship and adore You with my mouth, O Lord. hir AwrwDy jm pMQu swDy dUKu n ivAwpY koeI ] Worshipping the Lord in adoration, the Path of Death is overcome, and no pain or suffering will afflict you. jil Qil mhIAil pUrn suAwmI jq dyKw qq soeI ] The Lord and Master is pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; wherever I look, there He is. Brm moh ibkwr nwTy pRBu nyr hU qy nyrw ] Doubt, attachment and corruption are gone. God is the nearest of the near. nwnk kau pRB ikrpw kIjY nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw ]1] Please bless Nanak with Your Merciful Grace, O God, that his eyes may behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1|| |