kar kirpaa har pargatee aa-i-aa
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (375-12)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
kir ikrpw hir prgtI AwieAw ] imil siqgur Dnu pUrw pwieAw ]1] Meeting the True Guru, I have received the perfect wealth. ||1|| AYsw hir Dnu sMcIAY BweI ] Gather such a wealth of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny. Bwih n jwlY jil nhI fUbY sMgu Coif kir kqhu n jweI ]1] rhwau ] It cannot be burned by fire, and water cannot drown it; it does not forsake society, or go anywhere else. ||1||Pause|| qoit n AwvY inKuit n jwie ] It does not run short, and it does not run out. Kwie Kric mnu rihAw AGwie ]2] Eating and consuming it, the mind remains satisfied. ||2|| so scu swhu ijsu Gir hir Dnu sMcwxw ] He is the true banker, who gathers the wealth of the Lord within his own home. iesu Dn qy sBu jgu vrswxw ]3] With this wealth, the whole world profits. ||3|| iqin hir Dnu pwieAw ijsu purb ilKy kw lhxw ] He alone receives the Lord's wealth, who is pre-ordained to receive it. jn nwnk AMiq vwr nwmu ghxw ]4]18] O servant Nanak, at that very last moment, the Naam shall be your only decoration. ||4||18|| |