kar kirpaa apnaa daras deejai jas gaava-o nis ar bhor
gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (500-1)goojree mehlaa 5. Goojaree, Fifth Mehl: |
kir ikrpw Apnw drsu dIjY jsu gwvau inis Aru Bor ] kys sMig dws pg Jwrau iehY mnorQ mor ]1] With my hair, I wash the feet of Your slave; this is my life's purpose. ||1|| Twkur quJ ibnu bIAw n hor ] O Lord and Master, without You, there is no other at all. iciq icqvau hir rsn ArwDau inrKau qumrI Er ]1] rhwau ] O Lord, in my mind I remain conscious of You; with my tongue I worship You, and with my eyes, I gaze upon You. ||1||Pause|| dieAwl purK srb ky Twkur ibnau krau kr joir ] O Merciful Lord, O Lord and Master of all, with my palms pressed together I pray to You. nwmu jpY nwnku dwsu qumro auDris AwKI Por ]2]11]20] Nanak, Your slave, chants Your Name, and is redeemed in the twinkling of an eye. ||2||11||20|| |